Sacrifice At Osman Goat Farm

Qurban Di Osman Goat Farm

We have been performing qurban for over 30 years. Our goats and sheep meet the requirements of qurban.

Bookings open as early as 2 weeks before 10 Zulhijjah of the year. Reservations are by walk-in only and the buyer / representative must come to select a goat to be sacrificed. The buyer / representative must also be present during the qurban process. We can help if you need help to distribute meat to the asnaf.

*Only one representative for a goat is allowed to enter the Osman Goat Farm on the day of qurban.

To customers who can not come to choose and take the meat on the day, we provide services to manage the slaughter and distribute the meat to the asnaf, can contact us via whatsapp.


The worship of qurban is highly encouraged in Islam. This worship reminds us of the story of Prophet Ibrahim A.S. who was willing to slaughter his son Prophet Ismail A.S. as a sacrifice but God replaced it with a stirrup. Before performing it, we must understand and know the purpose of the worship. Ibadahqurban is a muakkadsunat that is highly encouraged for those who meet the conditions of sacrifice.

“Indeed, We have given you very much grace, so pray to your Lord and slaughter the sacrifice”

-Surah Al-Kauthar (ayat 1-2)

  • To engender an attitude of self -slavery to Allah S.W.T.
  • The slaughter of the sacrificial animal as a sign of gratitude for the blessings of God.
  • To obtain various benefits and benefits in terms of spiritual, moral and social
  • Every test must have patience. Those who succeed in defending their faith will be given a great reward and they will be raised as muhsinin, that is, the good ones.
  • Train and form Muslims to be willing to sacrifice some of the sustenance and blessings of Allah.
  • Helping the poor and the needy and making each other happy.

  • Tasyrik Day which is on 11, 12 and 13 Zulhijjah.
  • Beginning of sunrise after the Aidiladha prayers until sunset on 13 Zulhijjah

  • Kibas: 1 year or has lost his front teeth after he is 6 months old.
  • Sheep and goats: more than 1 year when sucking or front teeth fall out
  • Cattle and buffaloes: over 2 years
  • Camels: over five years old

  • 1/3 to be eaten by the victim and his family members.
  • 1/3 to be donated to the poor and needy.
  • 1/3 to be given as a gift to friends including rich people or neighbors.